Ransomware removal experts have found “Support [email protected]” as one of the ransomware that has been making rounds lately. This ransomware invades Personal Computers (PCs) that run on Windows operation systems. It then proceeds to apply encryption on the victim’s files and data that is stored on the hard disks.
The encryption algorithm manages to block user’s access to their critical data including multimedia files, documents, spreadsheets and databases. The extension of all the files encrypted by the ransomware is changed to a different extension.
After encryption, the ransomware asks for money (ransom) which can be almost $1000. In return, an encryption key is promised to be provided that can unlock the files and remove ransomware. The ransom is often asked in the form of a cryptocurrency and the time to pay this ransom ranges from two to four days.
According to ransomware removal experts such cybercriminals are not trustworthy. They do not intend to return the encryption key or remove ransomware after taking back the money, resulting in both data and financial losses of the victims. Often, the hackers also try to fool their victims by giving fake softwares to deal with the ransomware. These fake softwares are not only useless but they also worsen the computers more.
The damage brought by this ransomware is not limited to the locking of the files. It furthers destroys the computer through system crashes, hard drive errors and application problems. Moreover, it will develop and deploy malicious viruses in your computer that will continue to suck your computer’s memory and other resources. This slows down the computer’s speed and performance significantly. Furthermore, it also tinkers with the security measures of the operating system and disables them, encouraging other cyberattacks to infiltrate the computer system.
This ransomware attacks Windows PCs via spam email campaigns. These spam emails are sent to users and encourage them to download a malicious file attachment by posing as a reward or a piece of important information. These emails are tricky to identify because they look extremely reliable. The emails contain dangerous viruses that once opened, infect the computer and initiate the encryption process.