During this decade, we have seen, time and again, how data has transformed into a precious commodity. Majority of the cyber attacks are now launched to comprise the user data in one form or the other. Ransomware is the latest tool in the arsenal of cyber criminals to launch data-oriented attacks.
Organizations and government agencies with large databases have always been the favorite target of cyber attackers. Ransomware operators also prefer to hit the entities where they can encrypt large amount of high value data to demand a hefty sum of money for ransom decrypt.
Start off With Assessment
To devise an effective response in the wake of a ransomware attack, it is important for any enterprise to access its data first. This will include:
- Identifying different data types (some need frequent backups than the others)
- Evaluating the location of the stored data (how vulnerable it is to the infiltration of attackers)
- Prioritization of the data according to its value (it helps in making well-organized backups)
Challenges at Hand
It is easier said than done to have data management for better preparation against ransomware attacks because many challenges come into play during the course.
Reliability of Backup Technology
There is no point in exhausting your resources on employing a data backup that’s not reliable. For that matter, always make sure that your adopted data backup technology must have these things.
- It has to be automatic with a feature of redundancy (able to make more than one copies of data)
- Ensuring you offline and online integrity of the data
Testing Data Recovery plan
Putting a data recovery plan in place is not the end of the task. You have to constantly check its viability in virtual and real environment to make sure that you can have your locked down data back within the deadline given by the operators, and without paying anything for ransomware decrypt.
Having your data sorted and a plan in place, you can make sure that you bear less of a brunt of any mischief inflicted by ransomware operators.
For assistance on file recovery, please contact MonsterCloud Cyber Security experts for a professional ransomware removal.