Remember Crypt Console 2? Well, looks like it has a new successor. Reports have begun to emerge regarding its more advanced variant, which is known as CryptConsole Ransomware. The ransomware operates like conventional ransomware where it applies complex encryption on the data of the affected PCs and servers. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is the encryption algorithm used for locking data out of victim’s reach. Typical ransom amounts have been discovered to be 0.14 BTC in exchange for ransomware removal.
Cybersecurity experts have also uncovered the programming language, which was used to code the ransomware: C# with the Microsoft .NET framework. While the exact date of the ransomware’s appearance is not known, it is said that it started surfacing in June 2018. When the encryption process ends, the ransom note is enclosed in the README.txt file. However, these ransom notes differ from victim to victim as sometimes the email address inside them varies.
In most of the CryptConsole Ransomware incidents, the victims were asked for bitcoin equaling about $50. An offer is also provided for ransomware removal of any single file, though it is followed by a bigger ransom demand. While ransomware removal tools were released for its previous versions—CryptConsole 1 and 2—the same is not the case with this newer variant.
So what to do if you get infected by this dangerous cyberthreat? For starters, create a contingency plan by regularly creating backups of all your data. Additionally, eliminate any thoughts about negotiating with these cybercriminals or paying any money because there is no guarantee that they are going to secure your systems. Before a ransomware removal tool is released for it, contact a reliable cybersecurity company that can not only successfully remove it but also transforms your organization into an impenetrable fortress.